1 (edited by davede 2018.02.13 11:45)

Topic: Horizontal view for posts


I'm new, it's my first post here. Sorry, I'm writing in english because I can't speak russian language.

I am looking for solution how to get horizontal view for posts. I have seen something like this:


I have tried to copy CSS code from source of page but after that something goes wrong. My testing forum looks like:


Any way to fix it? Or may you now any better solution?


Re: Horizontal view for posts

davede, hi!
There's almost all done in CSS, and you need to write one string to the file viewtopic.php


Re: Horizontal view for posts

What kind of? Would you help me please?


Re: Horizontal view for posts

For Oxygen add to CSS:

.postbody {margin-left: 0 !important;}
.postbody .post-author {display:none}
.postfoot .post-contacts {display:none}
.postfoot {padding: 0 !important;}
.posthead {margin-left: 0 !important;}

In file viewtopic.php add this string:

$forum_page['post_ident']['username'] = '<li class="username"><strong>'.forum_htmlencode($cur_post['username']).'</strong></li>';

after code (тhis code is somewhere on the 340th line):

$forum_page['message'] = array();

Should look like this:

$forum_page['message'] = array();

      $forum_page['post_ident']['username'] = '<li class="username"><strong>'.forum_htmlencode($cur_post['username']).'</strong></li>';



Re: Horizontal view for posts

Great stuff, thank you.