1 (edited by PunBBTurkiye 2017.11.05 17:42)

Topic: [Looking For] Trade Rating Extension

Hi, I am looking for a simple and useful trading extension.

I looking for extension features:
Trade score (trade number and percentage of positive feedback in post bit. (eg: "Trade: 7, 100% or Trade: 4, 75%)
Buyer comments about trade in seller profile with related topic link and seller can reply this comments.
Buyer must enter the seller's profile and make comments. (eg link: Give Feedback).

Extension must like vbulletin iTrader plugin  PunBB_INFO_ICQ/smile

Or like Guest Book extension but, comments must be approved by the administrator. Comment part should include;
Selectable Positive, Neutral or Negative feed back icon.
Trade topic link.
Comment area.

Total feedback summary in the profile field. Icon or text. (eg: 10 positive 1 neutral 1 negative)

I can create a sample in photoshop if you want.

Thank you  PunBB_INFO_ICQ/smile


Re: [Looking For] Trade Rating Extension

Да, интересно, но требуется больше информации. Если есть готовые скрипты или плагины, это ускорит создание расширения. Рисунки и скриншты  тоже будут полезны.

3 (edited by sempai 2017.11.05 20:59)

Re: [Looking For] Trade Rating Extension




Re: [Looking For] Trade Rating Extension

I made a few simple examples in photoshop;

1. Profile View


Sorry i can not add more than 1 image.

2. Postbit View


3. Feedback Comment Area

Number of trade text is blue. Because its link to Feedback list. I did not make a sample for the feedback list. The feedback list includes the username giving feedback, short comment and feedback type (postive, neutral or negative).

Short comments visible to all, but if you seller, buyer or staff, you can go additional comments by click short comments. PunBB_INFO_ICQ/smile

If it is difficult to make short and additional comment sections individually, only one comment section can be made. (Max 100 char. maybe) and this comment visible to all.


I can provide some financial support for this work.