If you are not familiar with the PunBB.INFO extensions, we strongly recommend that you read the annotation for each extension. Do not download and install them all in a row. Use only those that you really need.

Kt Group Legend

kt_group_legend v.0.8

Group legend on forum index.


linker v.1.3

Перелинковка между темами форума.

Live chat

live_chat v.2.6.7

Онлайн переписка в публичном чате, между пользователями и гостями. Приватный чат для зарегистрированных пользователей.


logo v.0.5.2

Add logo in header

MarkItUp editor

om_markitup v.

Changes bbcode editor to MarkItUp.

Messages length control

messages_length_control v.1.2

Контроль длины отправляемых сообщений, счетчик введенных символов.

Mini User Profile

mini_user_profile v.1.1

Всплывающие мини-профили пользователей.

National Flags

national_flags v.1.2

Позволяет пользователям выбирать национальный флаг.

No Bots

no_bots v.1.2

Убираем из статистики форума известных ботов.

Num Post Link

num_post_link v.0.1

(num_post_link) - Turns the post number into a link

Nya Hide

nya_hide v.0.4.2

Hide text

Nya Thanks

nya_thanks v.

Allow users to say thanks to post. (hiden links)

Om Countdown

om_countdown v.0.0.2

Adds a countdown on the main page to specified date and time.

Om Del Report

om_del_report v.

Allows administrator to delete post reports.

Om Friends

om_friends v.0.0.2

Mark users as your friends.

Om Lastpost Silentedit

om_lastpost_silentedit v.0.0.2

Edition of the last post always will be silent.

Om Medals

om_medals v.0.0.2

Assign medals and rewards to users.

Om Multiquote

om_multiquote v.0.0.1

Adds functionality of multi-quoting (quoting many posts at once)

Om Profile About

om_profile_about v.0.0.1

Adds a description field into users profile.

Om Quote Link

om_quote_link v.0.0.2

Adds the link to the source posts in the quote tag.

Om Server Timezone

om_server_timezone v.0.0.2

Users can use the timezone of the server.

Om Shoutbox

om_shoutbox v.0.0.5

Shows shoutbox on the bottom of the page

Om Subforums

om_subforums v.

Add simple subforums functionality.

Om Thanks

om_thanks v.0.0.2

Say "thanks" below intresting posts.

Om Warnings

om_warnings v.0.0.2

Advance warning system based on points and rules.

On Theme Snowstorm

on_theme_snowstorm v.1.0

Простая в использовании и изменении новогодняя тема

Only Own Images

only_own_images v.1.2

Запрещает публиковать изображения со сторонних сервисов загрузки картинок.

Pan Access Indicator

pan_access_indicator v.0.2

(pan_access_indicator) - Indicator of Private or Public about Forums

Pan Ads Manager

pan_ads_manager v.0.5.7

(pan_ads_manager) - The output information blocks on the forum.

Pan Announcements

pan_announcements v.0.1

(pan_announcements) - Managing announcements on forum

Pan Antispam

pan_antispam v.0.3.4

(pan_antispam) - AntiSpam Sistem

Pan Backup Db

pan_backup_db v.0.3

(pan_backup_db) - Pan Backup DB create dump DB, table and fields.

Pan Bbcode

pan_bbcode v.0.1.7

(pan_bbcode) - Custom BBCodes and Buttons for PunBB

Pan Bbcode Table

pan_bbcode_table v.0.1.1

(pan_bbcode_table) - Insert table BBcode in post

Pan Blog

pan_blog v.0.3

Blog for PunBB Forum

Pan Bulletin Board

pan_board v.0.4.5

Бесплатная доска объявлений на форуме PunBB.

Pan Button New Topic

pan_button_new_topic v.0.5.1

(pan_button_new_topic) - Button adds the ability to create a new topic from the comfort of a topic.

Pan Carousels

pan_carousels v.0.4.1

(pan_carousels) - Logo on the forum in the form of a carousel

Pan Cat Crumbs

pan_cat_crumbs v.0.2.1

(pan_cat_crumbs) - Adds a category in the breadcrumbs.

Pan Chat Bro

pan_chat_bro v.0.2.1

(pan_chat_bro) - Website chat synchronized with messengers.

Pan Closed Forum

pan_closed_forum v.0.5

pan_closed_forum - Closed Forum PunBB (Закрытый форум)

Pan Color Text

pan_color_text v.0.2

Adds a palette for selecting and inserting color codes into the text entry form.

Pan Colored Fields

pan_colored_fields v.0.1.5

(pan_colored_fields) - Set colored fields in profiles of users.

Pan Consultor

pan_consultor v.0.1.7

(pan_consultor) - Pivate Chat for PunBB

Pan Converter

pan_converter v.0.2

(pan_converter) - The PunBB Converter

Pan Converter Extensions

pan_converter_extensions v.0.1.3

(pan_converter_extensions) - The Converter Extensions of PunBB v.1.4

Pan Css

pan_css v.0.4.1

(pan_css) - Custom CSS Styles

Pan Db Adminer

pan_db_adminer v.4.3.1

(pan_db_adminer) - Managing databases from the PunBB admin panel.

Pan Default Avatar

pan_default_avatar v.0.3.1

(pan_default_avatar) - Set Default Avatar for Users. Go to options and set path to image.

Pan Detailed Desc

pan_detailed_desc v.0.2.1

(pan_detailed_desc) - Pan Detailed Description of Topics and Forums.